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Public Health Programs at Boston University
Public Health Minor
Boston University offers a minor in Public Health through the Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, open to all BU undergraduate students. The minor requires 6 courses and more information can be found here.
Health Science Major
Any BU student in Sargent College can declare a major in Health Science. The focus is on global public health, and on solidifying a knowledge base in biological sciences. The program includes opportunities for a practicum or internship in the final year of study. More information can be found here.
BS/MPH or BA/MPH 4+1 Program
Boston University offers a joint program between Sargent College or the College of Arts & Sciences and the BU School of Public Health. This program allows students to work towards a Master of Public Health Degree while finishing their undergraduate degree. After students complete their undergraduate degree, they then only have one additional year full-time at the School of Public Health before receiving their MPH.
This program exists with Sargent College majors (bachelor of science degree) and with College of Arts and Sciences majors (bachelor of arts degree).
More information can be found here and here.
Boston University School of Public Health
One of the top public health schools in the nation, the BU School of Public Health provides an excellent opportunity for someone to study public health more in depth. With esteemed faculty and a broad range of programs offered, the School of Public Health provides its students with a strong background in public health, preparing its students to tackle some of the greatest public health issues our world faces today.
More information about all the programs offered can be found here.
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